第11話 - 「私が行くまで待ってて」と頑なに言い張った詐欺師Виктория Рокина

мошенник - Виктория Рокина クリスマスツリーと並んで写真に写る詐欺師Виктория Рокина(仮名)


前のメールで結婚をちらつかせてきた詐欺師の女、Виктория Рокина-ヴィクトリヤ・ロキナ(仮名)でしたが、それに対し僕は「結婚は少し早いんじゃないの?」ということと、「結婚を考えているならすぐに君が住む街に行く」ということを伝えました。それに対する返事が以下のメールです。

当然ですが詐欺師は、相手に自分がいる場所に来られては困るわけです。そのためВиктория Рокинаもそこは必死に、「私が住む街には何もないから、私があなたの街に行くまで待ってて」ということをしきりに伝えてきています。

もし今あなたが誰かとやりとりをしていて、相手が詐欺師かどうかを見極めたい場合は、「すぐにあなたがいる街に行く」と伝えてみてください。そこで「ウェルカム」の反応が返って来ず、Виктория Рокинаのように「私があなたの街に行きます。その時は私をあなたの部屋に入れてくれますか?」というような返事をしてきた場合は、相手を詐欺師だと疑った方が良いでしょう。




さて、Виктория Рокинаは当然僕がロシアには行ったことがないし、ロシアのことはほとんど知らないと思っています。でも僕は仕事で幾度もロシアを訪れていたため、もちろんЙошкар-Ола、Kazan、Яранск(ヤランスク)といった街がどんなところかも知っています。あ、でもЯранскに関しては本当に小さな町のため、このプロジェクトに関わるまではほとんど聞いたことはありませんでしたが。





詐欺師Виктория Рокинаからの11通目のメール

Hello, my dear Kazu! How was your day? I hope that my previous letter did not lead you to confusion. You are probably asking me: "Why so quickly?" I hasten to reply to you that I just could not keep these feelings in me anymore, and they ran away.

I just did not know how to tell you about it at once, I thought you would not understand me. I think that you are created specifically for me, and I want to be created only for you and my love.

Your letters always bring heat and coziness in my heart, although we are far apart, I still feel you as if you are with me in the same room. I so want comfortably and feel to you the heat of your breath, I feel that with you I will always be warm, even in the coldest weather.

I believe that you, the person I've been looking for all my life. I keep all your letters in me directly, and sometimes I re-read them and become happier. Sometimes I think that if we meet and stay at least for a few minutes, it will be the happiest day of my life.

I wonder if there is any way for our meeting? I wanted so much that it was possible. You say that you can come to Russia. It's very cool and a good idea. I have a vacation on your birthday, and I could start going to Japan myself.

you understand? I want to see the world, and do not spend my happy days in my city. I studied it all along and across, and he already to me if has fairly bothered. vacation is once a year and I would like to spend it very well and with a loved one.

we have only beautiful nature and nothing more. to be honest, I do not even know where I can go in my area. There are old destroyed factories and churches here. This sight a little scares people off and looks sad. I hope that you understand what I want to say?

That is, I want to spend time with you in a good place) think about it? and I'm not laughing at you, I accept you as you are. I do not like when people play or wear masks. This is bad. you are a sincere person, and I have opened before you. Will you wait for me? will you let me into your house?

Love of all ages is obedient! I fully understand your character traits, and I greatly simplify the disclosure of my basic principles. If you have love in your soul, you can fill it.

I'm glad you can trust me. If there is any time when you are in doubt about me or if I say something, then you, please, report violations to me. I think it's very simple to be fair when we talk about trust and honesty.

And I must emphasize, I have no reason to doubt you. Your letters were filled with such a great soul and foundation that makes me feel very good. It was a long time ago when I felt a warm feeling of love for you.

You say that you are old-fashioned, but it is not. there is such an expression that everything is new, this is a good forgotten old. So all the same people will come to what is called traditionalism.

I do not think marriage is easy either. I know that the sconce requires strength and work. Works from two people, not one person. It's not a one-way game.

I would like to know all your emotions and feelings, and I'll be waiting for your letters with impatience! With tenderness, Your Tatyana.

仕事で東京とロシアを行き来している頃、ロシア人の協力で国際ロマンス詐欺師を追い詰めた実話をルポルタージュ。 詐欺師を釣るために我々が準備したのは日本円で約100万円で、最終的には全額回収。

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