第13話 - 日本行きの準備を進めているとアピールを繰り返すВиктория Рокина

мошенник-Виктория Рокина マネキンとポーズを取る詐欺師Виктория Рокина-ビクトリヤ・ロキナ(仮名)


さて、僕はちょっとだけピアノを弾くことができるので、数少ないレパートリーの一つを弾いてビデオに撮って詐欺師の女に送りました。まぁそんな話はどうでも良くて、重要なのはВиктория Рокина-ビクトリヤ・ロキナ(仮名)が着々と日本旅行を計画し出していると言っている点です。







Hello, my dear Kazu! Have a nice day! I'm glad that you like my messages. How do you feel today? I'm fine! I'm a little excited, and I could hardly fall asleep. I thought about our meeting. This event excites me. You gave me a sea of ​​new emotions.

Thank you very much for your video on which you play the piano. the truth, you are very cool. It's great. At the expense of coffee, I also love him. In the morning when I get out of bed, before work I drink a cup of black coffee. This gives me a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

about Russia, I can say that this is a good country and a lot of great people. But the political situation is such that it is very difficult to live. I'll explain everything to you when we meet, which we will have.

Learn Russian classical music still have to be in major cities, such as Moscow or St. Petersburg. These are the most important centers of our country. Yes, you can travel here, but to leave Japan for permanent residence, it will be crazy. Maksim? Of course, I heard this singer. She is a great Russian singer and she has many songs. by the way it used to be constantly played on the radio. She's very famous.

I will definitely pass these words to my mother. you are good at speaking English and I understand you. But why can not the Japanese speak English? I'm also not the best English speaker. But I'm trying.

They give me a new impetus and purpose for life. I think that we need to organize our meeting so that there are no difficulties and inconveniences in our affairs. I will ask my boss to give me a vacation, I think that this is not a problem.

So what about you? Can you accept me? Do you have free days for me? Perhaps you have an intensive work plan and you will be absent? Then we can get to know each other, I can come to you in a few days.

As for me, it's not a problem to make a trip to you. I will be happy if it will be convenient for you to recognize me. It's good to see you alive and your friends.

You will show me your city. My boss can let me go abroad, and my work will do without me, and I'm not worried about it. Write to me what you think about it. If you do not mind, I'll prepare for the trip. Kisses. Your Tatyana.

仕事で東京とロシアを行き来している頃、ロシア人の協力で国際ロマンス詐欺師を追い詰めた実話をルポルタージュ。 詐欺師を釣るために我々が準備したのは日本円で約100万円で、最終的には全額回収。

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