第10話 - 突然恋心をアピールし始めた詐欺師の女Виктория Рокина(仮名)

мошенник - Виктория Рокина

Kazanという街でポーズを取るロマンス詐欺師Виктория Рокина - ヴィクトリヤ・ロキナ(仮名)

突然恋心を告白し始めたロシアのロマンス詐欺師、Виктория Рокина

一つ前のメールで僕はВиктория Рокина-ビクトリヤ・ロキナ(仮名)に、彼女が本当にЯранск(ヤランスク)に住んでいるのかを確認するという意味でも、「君が住む町を背景に写真を撮って送って欲しい」とリクエストしました。そしてこの10通目のメールでは2枚の写真を添付してきたのですが、その1枚が上の写真です。

彼女はЯранск(ヤランスク)という小さな町に住んでいると再三話していました。しかしその町で撮ったと言ってきた写真には「I LOVE KAZAN」の文字が(苦笑)。Kazan(カザン)という街は、ЯранскやЙошкар-Ола(ヨシュカロラ)のすぐ近くにある美しい街で、富裕層が多く住んでいることでロシア国内では有名です。


ちなみにもう1枚送ってきた風景だけの写真は間違いなくЯранск(ヤランスク)を写した物でした。しかしあろうことか、僕の協力者の一人でもある若き新聞記者アルチョムが働くЯранскの新聞記事で使われていた写真でした。僕はその新聞をウェブで読んでいたため、この詐欺師の女Виктория Рокинаが「自分で撮った」と送ってきたЯранскの写真が、新聞社のホームページから盗用されたものだとすぐに気づきました。詐欺師とは何と間抜けな人種なのでしょう(苦笑)





мошенник-Виктория Рокинаからの10通目のメール

Hello, my dear Kazu! I, as always, are waiting for your letter, and I'm glad that you wrote to me.

Sometimes I write letters from the workplace when I have free time. Sometimes I write letters from home. When I write you letters I do not feel tired. On the contrary, I feel good and energized. Oh, you're talking about a massage. I think I would be very pleased, and I accept your proposal.

to this weather I'm used to, and there's nothing wrong with that. Now there is a great warming, and there will be very good weather. to be honest I did not hear about this city. But I will learn about it from the Internet, and then you will show it to me personally.

Yes, I know this song "time ahead". this is a very famous song. It is used in the news program on the screen saver. That's why every citizen of Russia knows this song.

My friends at work say that I am now scattered. They say that I fell in love, and I did not know what to answer them. you are now part of my life, and I'm only thinking about you. Every time I receive your letters, I feel happier than before. In your letters that I can find, I've never met men like you. You are so kind, noble, romantic, intelligent, I can not stop to describe you.

Tell me, please, is it fair that our feelings are mutual? I really wanted this to be so, because I really want to have a serious relationship with you and hope for it. Now I have changed for the better, and my heart is beating in the right direction.

I guess I'm crazy, but I want to tell you that you are now my part of life, and I can not imagine life without you. It is very important for me to study your feelings for me, and I'm just now in alarm for this purpose!

I looked like a mad girl who is delirious with love. At first I was afraid to admit you, I thought that when you hear these words at once, you will laugh at my feelings. You see that I did not know you as well as I do now.

But during our dialogue I did not feel inside of me, and they ran away. Now I'm not embarrassed to confess to you. I feel that my feelings are strong enough for you. I think it's great ...

Tell me, what do you think of me? I come to you like a future wife and, perhaps, the mother of your children? This is a very important issue. And also tell me, what do you think about real meetings?

I think that this meeting will not replace the years of correspondence. Do you understand me? I hope that you take my feelings to heart, because my feelings are sincere ...

Unfortunately, now I have to finish my letter. I'm really looking forward to your precious letter for me. With the best wishes and gentle kisses Tatyana.

仕事で東京とロシアを行き来している頃、ロシア人の協力で国際ロマンス詐欺師を追い詰めた実話をルポルタージュ。 詐欺師を釣るために我々が準備したのは日本円で約100万円で、最終的には全額回収。

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